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Please don't be put off by the use of the word consultancy!

If you ask us to visit you then we will come with an open mind. We can offer you over twenty years experience and hopefully supply you with the answers you so badly require.

We will also be completely open and honest with you and if we can't find a solution to your problem then we will tell you.


We will not try and sell you a costly solution which is completely inappropriate and that will never ever satisfy your requirements.

We believe that 'why' is more important than 'what' or 'how'.

We will however try to and solve your problems; we only want satisfied customers!


What is the purpose of spending thousands on a fantastic website, but then not ensure that everybody know about it!

That is what SEO does for you.

We will configure your website and submit it to the best and most popular search engines. We will then ensure month after month that your website always appears at the top of everyones' search list.



We all rely so much on computing and information technology, but very often find it confusing. Genesis can offer you a fresh approach to your problems and make sense out of chaos.

We can provide you with a fresh start, a new beginning ....

We can look closely at your present situation and provide you with a solution to your problems by applying years of experience. Very often a fresh approach suggested by a complete outsider can shine a spotlight on the answers you have been searching for!

We specialise in the following areas:


Website Design & Hosting

Search Engine Optimisation


Have you been thinking for some time that your business needs a website, but were reluctant to make the commitment because of the cost?

Or perhaps you have an old and tired website that urgently needs a makeover!

Remember today any business, large or small, needs a website presence on the internet; it is often the first place a potential customer will look!

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Well look no further. We can supply you with a new website and host that website for very little cost. If you are truly interested we will spend a little time with you to determine exactly what you require and then produce a website for you in a matter of a few days. We will then host and support your website for as long as you want, and make simple changes to the site to ensure that it is always up-to-date.

Have a look at one of my favourite websites, go to www.manxmotorracing.com and see exactly what can be achieved!

Other active website are:







